Insurance Companies Make their Money by Saying “No” to Your Claim
The great majority of companies that own or operate large trucks have some form of business liability insurance to cover them when the inevitable accident happens to them. Many of you hold the misconception that the trucking insurance compensation process is quick and relatively easy to manage; “all you have to do is file a claim and wait for that inevitable, and fair, compensatory check.” We beg to strenuously differ.
Insurance companies are in the business of taking-in premiums and paying out as little as absolutely necessary in claims. Since insurance accidents involving large commercial trucks can involve huge sums of money when it comes to damage claims, much greater than your personal car insurance, the insurance company’s main focus is to keep from paying you fairly, and increase its high profits. So it comes as no surprise that insurance companies deny every claim possible, whenever possible and for as long as possible. Without the right attorney on your side, collecting a fair settlement from an insurance company ends up being a frustrating and befuddling challenge that is not for the faint-of-heart.
While the Texas Civil Practices and Remedies Codes provide the right for someone who has been injured in a trucking accident or the family of one who was killed to seek compensation for the harm done, the law doesn’t say reimbursement is automatically granted when a victim claims an injury. This is how insurance companies lull injured victims into a sense of false security. Then they spring the trap with their denial of your claim and then dare you to do something about it; especially if you don’t have an experienced large truck attorney to manage this matter.
As the plaintiff, you (and your attorney) must first prove the liability of those responsible for the accident and the serious injuries you and your family suffered from that accident. Furthermore, in any liability case, the plaintiff holds the burden of proof. You must clearly show that the compensation requested is a fair assessment of those damages you are asking of the defendant. The insurance company – and the lawyers who represent them – do everything possible to deny your plaintiff-claim, or argue that the level of restitution you seek is excessive and unreasonable.